Sunday, July 26, 2015

Book Review: The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty

Do we ever really know somebody? Cecelia finds a letter addressed to her from her husband and dated years earlier.  The letter begins with "my dearest Cecelia, if you're reading this I have died." He than confesses to something Cecilia never thought possible. One man's secret can send ripples through the lives of so many people. I couldn't put this book down. The author has a great writing style and it is a very easy read.  The ending I didn't see coming.   I hope her other books are just as good.  

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Book Review: Summer by Summer by Heather Burch

Summer is working as a nanny on the Garrison families summer vacation in Belize.  While she loves the little boy she is in charge of she can't stand his older brother.  The older brother Bray is home from college and everything summer hates.  Bray's mom on the other hand is bound and determined to make everyone get along so she suggests that Bray brings Summer along when he hangs out with friends.  While on one of these get togethers Bray and Summer are caught in a storm and stranded on a desert island.   At least they thought is was deserted.  They soon find out that they have company and not the kind they want.  While stranded they learn about themselves and each other.

This book will please both romance readers and adventure lovers.  I loved this book but I am a sucker for a deserted island story.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Describe your style in 3 words or less...

1) Classic

2) Comfortable

3) Fashionable

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Product Spotlight

I just picked this up at the Celestial Seasonings factory gift shop and it smells amazing. I've never used this brand before. If you have let me know what you thought. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

This week I am...

This week I am...

Drinking... Starbucks Iced Green Tea.  Summer is here and nothing is better on a hot day than an Iced Green Tea.

Needing... more sleep.  Major insomnia going on here.  Any tips on how to get past it.

Hoping... That this weekends open house is successful and we are finally able to sell our house.  I want to move to the beach so bad.

Wearing... CoverGirl Full Lash Bloom Mascara.  I love this mascara.  I am a die hard lover of maybellines great lash mascara but this ranks right up there as far as I am concerned.  The brush if wonderful and makes your lashes look so full.

Watching... The new season of Orange is the new black. This show never disappoints and always leaves me shocked and begging for more.  I also have started watching the show Tyrant.  Its a story about a guy, Barry,  who's father is a evil dictator in a middle eastern country. Barry decides to go back home with his american wife and kids for his nephews wedding and gets sucked back into all of the craziness in his homeland.  

Loving... Decorating my planner.  I have succumbed to the planer obsession.  .

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

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Monday, June 22, 2015

Beauty Haul

I don't know if I mentioned it but i'm about to move from Colorado to North Carolina. Hello humidity! So I started thinking about what changes I will need to make in my beauty routine.  I heard great things about the Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel moisturizer.  I heard the gel format will work better in the humidity. So I decided to give it a try.  First impression is that is it really smooth and smells great.  So far I like it but I will let you know if that changes.  I also picked up the Chapstick three pack of the seasonal flavors in Mango Sunrise,Watermelon Splash and Aloha Coconut. I love these.  Although I must confess I am a Chapstick junkie and am quite possible addicted.  Is that even possible?  I also am crazy for anything watermelon flavored.  Of course I can't pass up a new scandaleyes eye shadow stick. I don't know how I have manged to never get this color but somehow I never picked up Naughty Navy.  How cute is that name? Finally Walgreen's was having a last chance sale on some of the Rimmel Moisture Renew lipstick.  So I picked up Notting Hill Nude and Coral Britannia. These ares some of my favorite lipsticks because they are so affordable and come in great colors.  These two colors are definitely beautiful. Let me know in the comments below if you have used any of these products and what you think.       

Monday, June 8, 2015

This Week I Am...

This Week I am...

Listening to... #1 to Infinity by Mariah Carey.  All of her number one hits and a new song on one CD.  I am a huge Mariah fan and was so excited to see this CD in the store.

Wearing... NYX Butter Balm.  I have been meaning to try these for so long and I finally bought a few.  I love them.  They are actually butter soft and the color is great.

Enjoying... the sun and the awesome weather here in Colorado.  Although I can do without the tornadoes.

Dreading... packing and cleaning. I'm getting ready to move to Wilmington, North Carolina and can't wait to get everything unpacked and put away.  If you have any tips on where to go in Wilmington please share.

Watching... The Island on NBC. I love this show.  A group of guys are dropped on a deserted island with no fire or food for a month to see if they survive.

Thursday, June 4, 2015


I'm currently obsessing over my new NYX  butter lip balm in brownie. I finally decided to give them a try and hate that I waited so long. 

Friday, May 29, 2015

This Week I Am

This Week I Am….

Looking forward to… moving.  All of the packing and unpacking is a real pain.  But I know the move to Wilmington, North Carolina will be worth it. 

Reading…  Still working on Crossfire by James Patterson.  I love this series and it never lets me down. 

Watching…  The Island with Bear Gryllis. It’s a reality show wear the producers drop a dozen or so men on a deserted island with no food or shelter. They’re told that they will be back to get them in a few weeks.  Chaos and drama starts right away. 

Wearing… shorts!!!  Finally the warm weather is here. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

This Week I Am...

This week I am…
Looking Forward to… having a yard sale this weekend.  I can’t wait to get rid of all this clutter from around the house.  A lot of what I am selling if the result of a massive closet clean out.  Cleaning out the closet is a huge task but a necessary one at least once a year. 
Planning… My next vacay!! I love a road trip.  I try to plan one every year.  This year my mom and I are hitting the south.  Our first stop is Houston to see the family and then on the New Orleans.  From there we will hit Panama Beach Florida and then on to North Carolina.  After visiting the family in North Carolina we will head back home to Colorado with a stop in Memphis to see Graceland.  I hope Graceland is as cheesy as I am expecting. 
Reading…  I started on the book Crossfire by James Patterson.  It is the next book in the Alex Cross series.  I love this series and I am close to being caught up.  I highly recommend this series if you love good murder mysteries.  I have to say the movies made from these books have been very disappointing. 
Can’t Wait For… The Entourage movie.  I loved the TV show and am so glad they made a movie with these characters. 
Loving… All of the new makeup I recently purchased.  Avon has lip liners on sale right now so I got four of those.  I also purchased from Avon a couple of the Dew Kiss lip balms and two lipsticks in the colors of mauve ice and totally twig.  The Dew Kiss lip balms are a must have.  Additionally I picked up a couple of eye shadows.  The first one is from Maybelline in silken taupe and the second one is the cover girl quad shadow in pure romance. 
Watching… Season finales!! All of my favorite shows are ending for the season.  I don’t know how I’ll get through the summer without The Vampire Diaries, Reign or Scandal. 

Grieving… The loss of the Mindy Project. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015


This month seem like it was all about the lotion. I finished up a few bottles that I just had a little bit left.The freshwater cucumber lotion from Bath and Body Works is one of my favorites but unfortunately it's discontinued. The eucalyptus spearmint lotion will definitely wake you up if you're sleepy. I love how light the suave lotion is and the scent is real nice. It's not an overpowering scent. I absolutely love the Calgon Tahitian Orchid line of products. It is definitely one I'm repurchasing. I also used up a Bath and Body Works hand sanitizer this month. I wish they made this margarita scent in a shower gel. One last thing I forgot to put in the picture is a cucumber melon shower gel from Bath and Body Works. I can't even tell you how many of those I have purchased over the years. I definitely will be repurchasing that.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Product Spotlight

I am obsessed with this new body wash by Suave in the almond verbena scent. This is definitely a new favorite.  The same scent also came in a deodorant. I wish it came in a lotion. It has a light scent that isn't overpowering.  I love how creamy and silky it is.  Bubbles for days.