Showing posts with label soccer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soccer. Show all posts

Friday, January 11, 2013

Book Review: Offside by M.G. Higgins

 Faith is just your average teen with her hands full of problems and a soccer ball at her feet. Between helping her single mom care for her younger siblings, being behind in her schoolwork and being teased by Caitlin life is hectic. All Faith wanted was to play soccer. Luckily for her Coach Berg saw her potential and moved her from the bench to midfield. If only all her problems could be solved so easily. M.G. Higgins has written a fantastic story that any teen girl can relate to.  I would love to see more books with these characters. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is La Cantera just a training grounds for other teams?

Real Madrid has made some big money signings this summer. The latest being Fabio Coentrao. As a fan of Fabio and the Portugal National Team I am excited about this signing. But if Real Madrid keeps signing all these so called “stars” than why do they have La Cantera? Real Madrid must have some experienced players that can provide leadership and knowledge to the younger players, but why won’t they promote from within? Real Madrid spends the time and money developing these players but seems reluctant to use them at the first team level. Instead the team loans them out or sells them. Now I agree with loaning out the young players so they are able to get experience at a higher level when a spot is not available within the first team. But when there is a spot they need to be given a chance. Many of these young players go on to other clubs and become stars. A perfect example of this is Juan Mata. I could only imagine the contribution he would have made to the team if he had been promoted. The current crop of La Cantera players definitely has some future stars in it. I can’t wait to see Morata and Sarabia become the amazing players that they have been trained to be. I just hope it’s with Real Madrid.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Girls and Football

One of my favorite films to come out recently is Just Wright.  Queen Latifah stars as a physical therapist hired to care for an injured NBA player played by the rapper common.  One scene in particular really stood out to me. Queen Latifah’s character, Leslie Wright, is getting ready to go to a NBA game with her god sister Morgan, played by Paula Patton.  Morgan comes out in heels and a short tight dress. Leslie comes out in jeans, sneakers and a jersey.  They both look at each other and question why the other is dressed that way. For Morgan going to a NBA game means going to catch a ball playing boyfriend.  While going to a NBA game means going to watch a sport that she loves for Leslie.  These two characters are the perfect example of female sports fans, those who love the players and those who love the game. 

I consider myself someone who loves football.  Don’t get me wrong I love a cute guy.  I especially love when they take their shirts off after the match.  Most importantly, I am fascinated by the game.  I am fairly new to the sport and don’t claim to know everything.  I am excited to learn everything about the sport though.  I don’t know all the rules but I feel I know enough to feel confident when yelling at the referee.  If there is something that I don’t understand I will ask or find out for myself.  One thing I hate is being made to feel like an idiot by some guy because I don’t know something.  I don’t get why guys do that.  Wouldn’t you want your girlfriend to be as into your sport as you are?  Wouldn’t you want to be able to discuss it with her?  Or do guys even think about that? I think that guys would be surprised at what we might say.  Women have a way of looking at things in a totally different way. 

I have a basic understanding of the offside rule.  Although I will admit it had to be explained to me with a shopping reference.  But the point is I understand it.  Even if a woman doesn’t understand the offside rule that doesn’t mean that they love the game any less. 

Many believe that women can’t possibly know sports as well as a man could.  Many don’t believe that women can participate in sports as players or referees on the same level as men can.  I disagree somewhat.  I don’t want to see female players in professional football.  Females should play alongside females.  It’s not that I don’t think that they are capable; I just believe that they are different.  I have no problem with females being referees.  It’s not rocket science guys.  Women can learn the rules just the same as men can.

A true fan is a fan no matter how good or bad a team is doing.  A true fan is a fan no matter what players come and go.  Some women get caught up in the looks of the players and the glamorous lives that they perceive them to have.  A true fan of the game doesn’t care about that.  No matter if you are male or female, it’s about the game.