Monday, February 24, 2014

Stacking the Shelves

I love Tynga's Reviews Stacking the Shelves  so I borrowed it for my blog.  I hit up my favorite used bookstores recently and hit the jackpot.  I was able to get four books from my wishlist.  First I picked up Chocolate-Covered-Murder by Leslie Meier.  I love this mystery series and have been reading it for awhile.  I really need to catch up.  I also was able to get Fallen-Masters by John Edward.  Yes that John Edward the TV psychic.  I usually don't read much science fiction but this intrigued me.  Next I picked up Waltz-Time by Eugenia Riley and If-Only-Dreams by Wendy Markham aka Wendy Corsi Staub.  These two are both time travel romances which are a favorite genre of mine.  I'll let you know how they are.  

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